"I can't recall ever doing anything to any one of your kind, either in recent or longer memory. I have always respected you and your ways, even honored them, whenever I had the opportunity to do so. I have even fought to protect your homeland, if in a more indirect manner.
"In short, I bear you no ill will, and I certainly don't deserve... that."
Gandalf the White was currently facing down a skunk. The smaller mammal was face to face with the ancient wizard, and clearly he didn't care for Gandalf's impressive speech. He also didn't care that Gandalf was currently backing away in something resembling near terror (rather impressive, if you considered that this was the man who'd stared down the Nazgul King and died fighting a Balrog, but I digress). What the skunk did care about was that this lanky man had taken over his nesting area.
"Don't make me resort to force,' said Gandalf. His hand went down to where his sword usually was, which only reminded him of the fact that he had turned that weapon over. So the wizard had to settle for strong (nonmagical) words instead.
The skunk responded as skunks are wont to do: he sprayed Gandalf with the most potent odor imaginable.
Last Edit: Sept 16, 2012 23:54:25 GMT -5 by Deleted