Hey guys, really need your help in picking me off of my feet, Caz Harry and Ellie need friends and enemies, new ones, or rather, old friends coming back to clear off the cobwebs and sort my characters out! and the more people the better.
Preferably no first meetings, as though they've met before but we can discuss that in the thread. Just find it difficult to make my characters meet new people when they're already in messy situations!
Thanks again!
LUPE DY CAZARIL Thanks to a new year wish to get rid of the pain when his family left him alone - a 44 year old Caz becomes 18 once more but has finally got his memories back, but will he figure himself out.
Kind hearted. Intelligent. Ex Professor. Searching for his son Mordred
Friends: Door, Lottie, Rene, Alyss, Arthur, Merlin, Kay Enemies: N/A Uncomfortable with: Morgana (Not that they understand why)
ELLIE DOCTER Unfortunately for all the excitable and adventurous, Ellie has lost all her motivation with the death of her friend, Carl Fredericksen